Melting sea ice, rising sea level. Global catastrophy! Yes or No? This web site operated by:-Alfred.

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Melting sea ice, rising sea level.
Global catastrophy!
Yes or No?

There is much trauma about the sea ice melting, and also ice on land. The world governments, particularly the UN want you to pay a "carbon tax" to help to reduce the greenhouse gasses. I can't find out how this actually reduces the greenhouse gasses, as the main one is water vapour, which we cannot control, and the gasses from fires, power stations, and vehicles comes to only a small percentage, less than 5% of the total. The main effect is to financialy cripple companies that produce the gasses so they will have to pass the extra costs onto the public, and financially strain countries to better be able to control them, indirectly making the first big UN Tax on private people. Who does eventually get the money, paid as "carbon credits"? What is it actually used for?

For such a large problem we can do so little, so is it due to our population or is it some natural cause due to celestial conditions changing through some long term cycle?

Melting sea ice.

One of the scare tactics is the claim that the sea ice is melting and this will raise the sea level, causing world wide flooding of low lying land. Already huge areas of ice at the poles has melted, and ships may be able to use the "north west passage" close to the north pole. In spite of all this ice having melted there is no panic from the many lowlying areas around Europe, which has many lowlying ports and residential land, particularly in Holland where they have reclaimed land from the sea, much of it still below high tide level.

The big question is:

What would actually happen if all the sea ice throughout the world suddenly melted.

  1. Would it create waves?
  2. Would the sea level suddenly rise?
When the water froze it expanded, taking up more volume, and rising above the sea surface, but displacing exactly the volume that it was originally, because it is still exactly the same weight.
If it all suddenly melted NOTHING would happen, as it would just contract back to its original volume and fit exactly into the volume it was displacing. The sea level won't change as the required volume was already displaced by the weight of the ice.

You have probably seen video news footage of huge glaciers near the south pole calving off enormous icebergs, often causing huge waves. This is very impressive, but if the ice was already supported by the sea, and most if it is, then its eventual melting will not effect the sea level. Some of this is glacial ice off the land, which moves out onto the sea, as it has done for thousands of years.

World wide land based glaciers are retreating, some in Iceland have retreated a considerable distance, releasing a spectacular volume of ice over many years. But all this land based ice has made no difference to the sea level, and probably will only be a few centimeters at the most, though much of it is replaced as fresh snowfall.

Iceland has Europe's largest ice cap. The outlet glacier, known as Breidamerkurjokull, 9.3 miles wide and 12.4 miles long, extended to within 250 yards of the ocean, the shoreline was under 100 feet of glacial ice, having crushed medieval farms and fields in its path during the preceding centuries, a time now referred to as the Little Ice Age, the 15th to 19th centuries. Note that ice covered ancient farms, and is now uncovering them, so we are going back to a warmer climate that was the normal, a few hundred years ago. So what is there to panic about? Returning to what was normal sounds good to me. Today, Breidamerkurjokull ends about two miles from the ocean.

During the past few years, researchers have concluded that:

  1. Arctic sea ice shrank by 14,400 square miles per year from 1978 to 1998, a 6 percent reduction overall.
  2. Sea ice thinned by about 40 percent in recent decades, from an average of 10.2 feet in the period from 1958 to 1976 to about 5.9 feet from 1993 to 1997. Current thinning is estimated at about 4 inches a year.
  3. Since 1993, the Greenland ice cap has thinned by more than 3 feet a year on its southern and eastern edges.
Scientists think the changes are coming in part from global warming caused by greenhouse gas emissions from cars, factories and burning rain forests. But researchers cannot be certain. Many of the researchers who made the recent discoveries point out that there are large variations in the natural climate cycles in the Arctic, and that in most cases reliable data goes back only a few decades or even less.

The Earth is continually going through long-term changes in periods lasting decades or even centuries,'' said William Krabill of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center's facility at Wallops Island, Va. Krabill, who helped discover the thinning of the Greenland ice cap, added: ``We definitely have a warming trend, but one of the questions scientists are trying to answer is how mankind's activities contribute to this trend, which may have been occurring already.''

``We're seeing a major shift in our climate,'' said glaciologist Oddur Sigurdsson, who monitors glaciers for the National Energy Authority in Reykjavik. ``But we don't know what causes that. There are many factors in nature that easily overwhelm the greenhouse effect.''

All this ice melting on land and sea, and the sea level hasn't risen. If you have access to ancient landmarks, such as ancient harbours, you may be able to ascertain if there has been any increase in sea level, that is not also easily explaned as compacting of old aluvial material, which many harbours are built on, at river mouths. Harbours built on solid rock would be a good place to investigate.

However there are claims that the Tuvalu islands are being swamped by the rising sea level, but as the sea hasn't risen anywhere else then it must be that the islands are sinking as their base material slowly settles, which may have been happening for hundreds of years.

For further information on this see:

Rising sea level and Global Warming
Were we able to stop the encroach of ice in the middle ages?
Tuvalu Islands being swamped.
This web site operated by:-Alfred.

Comments, criticisms and suggestions gratefully received.